Class 6 Tuition Class

Class 6 Tuition Class Gurukul Academy Of Excellence offers Class 6 Tuition Class. Here at Gurukul we do not end with teaching all that is present in the syllabus; it also provides students with relevant exam oriented suggestions, notes and pinpoints the students weaknesses. Moreover , we guide and orient the students in the right […]

Class 3 Tuition Class

Class 3 Tuition Class Gurukul Academy Of Excellence is one such educational institutions situated in Surat, Gujarat which nurtures the students of all subject from class Nursery to 8th. Some of the advantages of learning and studying in Gurukul Academy Of Excellence are: extra attention and proper care is given to individual students which is […]

Class 5 Tuition Class

Class 5 Tuition Class Gurukul Academy Of Excellence provides Class 5 Tuition Class. Here at Gurukul students get individual attention where in school teachers have to deal with 40 to 60 students in each class and their focus in general on just covering the syllabus for subjects in the time allotted for each period. This […]

Class 4 Tuition Class

Class 4 Tuition Class Gurukul Academy Of Excellence offers Class 4 Tuition Class. It is an primary education center in Surat, Gujarat. Which help school students to score good marks in their exams. To appear in any exam, a student needs to devote a lot of time, effort, prep time and hard work. students can […]

Class 2 Tuition Class

Class 2 Tuition Class Primary education plays an important role in moulding a child’s mind. At this tender age they have hungry minds and thus they grasp or learn things faster. At this stage of education, students try themselves at writing and thinking, make their first steps to analysing and proving own points of view. […]

Class 1 Tuition Class

Class 1 Tuition Class Primary education is basically the first phase of formal education of child will experience, after preschool and before secondary education it is one of the most crucial stages of education that provides many life skills and basic knowledge of several subjects. Gurukul Academy Of Excellence offers Class 1 Tuition Class . Here, […]

Live Tuition Centre

Live Tuition Centre Today, in the 21st century the procedure of education and learning has changed completely around the entire world. Not only our country but in the developed countries of the world today also has adopted the option of seeking the assistance of Live Tuition Centre even from the the high school level. Within a […]

NCERT Online Coaching Classes

NCERT Online Coaching Classes Today, in the 21st century the procedure of education and learning has changed completely around the entire world. Not only our country but in the developed countries of the world today also has adopted the option of seeking the assistance of NCERT Online Coaching Class even from the the high school level. Within […]

ICSE Online Coaching Class

ICSE Online Coaching Class Today, in the 21st century the procedure of education and learning has changed completely around the entire world. Not only our country but in the developed countries of the world today also has adopted the option of seeking the assistance of ICSE Online Coaching Class even from the the high school level. […]

CBSE Online Coaching Class

CBSE Online Coaching Class Today, in the 21st century the procedure of education and learning has changed completely around the entire world. Not only our country but in the developed countries of the world today also has adopted the option of seeking the assistance of CBSE Online Coaching Class even from the the high school level. Within […]