Watercolor Doodle Art Class

Watercolor Doodle Art Class In Watercolor Doodle Art Class at Gurukul Academy Of Excellence you will learn how to use simple doodles and loose watercolor washes to create gorgeous botanical and floral illustrations. This class is super fun for artist’s of any level, especially beginners and will teach you tons of tips and tricks. In […]

Mandala Drawing Class

Mandala Drawing Class A Mandala represents the universe that is beyond one’s consciousness. It is a symbol of wholeness. In one way it can be seen as a cosmic diagram that reminds us of our relation to the infinite, the world that exists both beyond and within our body and mind. The ‘circle with the […]

Poster colour Painting Class in Surat

Poster colour Painting Class in Surat Gurukul Academy Of Excellence provides Poster colour Painting Class in Surat. If you are a painting enthusiast who wants to learn to paint with poster colour but has no idea where to begin, then this course is perfect for you. This course aims at teaching the very basics of […]

Drawing and Sketching Classes

Drawing and Sketching Classes Drawing is not a talent. It is a skill anyone can learn. This drawing course will teach you the foundation of art and design of all kinds. Gurukul’s drawing course covers some fundamental artistic teachings like lines, value, contrast and perspective but goes a bit more in depth in each class. […]

English Phonics Classes in Surat

English Phonics Classes in Surat What is the right way of learning Phonics? Language learning is meant to happen intuitively. How did we all learn our mother tongue? We learnt it by listening to the sounds around us; sounds are then translated into words; words then are strung together to make sentences. Fundamentally it is […]

English Language Classes in Surat

English Language Classes in Surat Gurukul Academy Of Excellence is presenting English Language Classes in Surat.Our English Language course is ideal for students who would like to learn how to express and articulate their thoughts clearly and accurately in their written  English. Our engaging curriculum is designed to combine the theory and practice of English […]

English and Hindi grammar Class

English and Hindi grammar Class Gurukul Academy Of Excellence has come up with the new class which is Hindi Grammar Class in Surat. Here the children from the age of 6 to 13 can come and learn hindi grammar with easy and simple learning methods. All the concepts of hindi grammar are covered in this […]

Handwriting Improvement Classes

Handwriting Improvement Classes Gurukul Academy Of Excellence is introducing Handwriting Improvement Classes in Surat. Like fingerprints, handwriting styles are unique to each person. Many people dislike their handwriting, but with a little practice you can love yours. It is important for children to legible handwriting because it enhances the functionality of the brain. One can never […]

Doodling Classes in Surat

Doodling Classes in Surat Doodling Classes in Surat at Gurukul Academy Of Excellence is perfect for absolute beginners, as well as for those of you who have some arting, crafting or doodling experience. By the end of the course you will have all the skills you need to make your own curvy flowing doodle art […]

Pre Primary Tuition Centre

Pre Primary Tuition Centre Gurukul Academy Of Excellence is the best Pre Primary Tuition Centre. Kindergarden education is an integral part of early childhood schooling. Educational related activities in KG helps children develop fine motor skills, social skills cognitive skills etc.Early childhood education is an open door for a child’s development. it promotes emotional, social, […]